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arash_yavari's picture

Accretion-Ablation Mechanics

In this paper we formulate a geometric nonlinear theory of the mechanics of accreting-ablating bodies. This is a generalization of the theory of accretion mechanics of Sozio and Yavari (2019). More specifically, we are interested in large deformation analysis of bodies that undergo a continuous and simultaneous accretion and ablation on their boundaries while under external loads.

Mirkhalaf's picture

PhD positions for a MSCA-DN project (DurAMat)

PhD positions are available for DurAMat which is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) project.  A total number of 11 PhD students will be hired for DurAMat. One PhD student will join us at the department of Physics of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. The project details and the application process are described in the project website:

Yida Zhang's picture

Journal Club for August 2023: Attractors in stressed granular materials


Yida Zhang

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, 80303

Research lab:


1. Introduction

Opening for two new Ph.D. students in the Design & Uncertainty Quantification group, Mechanical Engineering Department, The University of Iowa.

The Design & Uncertainty Quantification group at The University of Iowa, led by Professor Sharif Rahman, is looking for two new Ph.D. students, who are capable of and interested in performing high-quality research on solid mechanics, uncertainty quantification, and design optimization. The research, supported by U.S. National Science Foundation, requires building a solid mathematical foundation, devising efficient numerical algorithms, and developing practical computational tools, all associated with stochastic analysis and design of complex materials and structures.

oreste.bursi's picture

PhD call - Innovative metamaterials and metastructures for risk reduction and fitness for service of special risk industrial plants

The University of Trento opens the second call for applications for the admission to the 39th Cycle (Academic Year 2023/2024) of the Doctoral Programme in “Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering” as follows: Deadline for application: September 4th, 2023, hrs. 4.00 PM (Italian time, GMT +2)

It is announced on the UniTrento website:  

Jinxiong Zhou's picture

Modal analysis of lead-bismuth eutectic flow in a single wire-wrapped rod channel

The thermal-hydraulics as well as flow-induced vibration of wire-wrapped rod bundles calls for accurate and efficient liquid metal flow simulation and prediction, yet it remains a challenge due to the complex geometries and high Reynolds number flow in wire-wrapped rod channel. Previous efforts towards this goal exclusively adopts full-order modeling (FOM), which is prohibitively computation-intensive.

arash_yavari's picture

On the Effective Dynamic Mass of Mechanical Lattices with Microstructure

We present a general formalism for the analysis of mechanical lattices with microstructure using the concept of effective dynamic mass. We first revisit a classical case of microstructure being modeled by a  spring-interconnected mass-in-mass cell. The frequency-dependent effective dynamic mass of the cell is the sum of a static mass and of an added mass, in analogy to that of a swimmer in a fluid. The effective dynamic mass is derived using three different methods: momentum equivalence, dynamic condensation, and action equivalence.

tedvaughan's picture

MSCA Fellowship Application Opportunity in simulation and data-driven approaches for bioabsorbable metals for medical devices at University of Galway

MedTrain+ is the successor Industry-Academia Training, Career Development and Mobility Fellowship Programme at CÚRAM, SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices to MedTrain (GA 713690). As part of this, MedTrain+ is offering prestigious three-year fellowships to eligible experienced researchers in the broad area of Medical Device Research and Development. The MedTrain+ programme will provide excellent experienced researchers with a research, complementary, and transferable skills training experience of the highest international standards.

korsunsky's picture

miniSLM at Swiss Light Source reveals temperature excursions during laser-based 3D printing

Excellent paper looking at temperature profiles during LPBF AM (using miniSLM):

Of course, questions remain regarding the validity of temperature estimation method, max temp, max cooling rates etc. - 
but it is an important step in the right direction!

N. Sukumar's picture

Short Course on the VEM at USNCCM17

Hello All,

Gianmarco Manzini (LANL) and I are teaching a short course entitled: "Virtual Element Method in Solid and Fluid Mechanics" at USNCCM17 in Albuquerque, which will be held on Sunday, July 23rd, 2023.  If you plan to be at the conference in-person, then do consider attending the short course.  A summary of the course follows:

Plastic Limit Analysis of Plane Stress Problems by Truss Element


Jiang Ke. Plastic Limit Analysis of Plane Stress Problems by Truss Element. Preprint at , 2023.

The Most Beautiful Animation of Plasticity in History


Fan Xu's picture

Strain stiffening retards growth instability in residually stressed biological tissues

Soft biological tissues often exhibit notable strain stiffening under increasing stretch, and this can have significant effects on tissue growth and morphological development, such as causing symmetry breaking in growing airways and leading to mucosal folding and airway hyperresponsiveness. To investigate the role of strain stiffening and the multifactorial control in growth and remodeling, we consider a growing tubular structure with strain-stiffening effects caused by increased and tightened collagen.

Ramathasan Thevamaran's picture

Orientation-dependent plasticity mechanisms control synergistic property improvement in dynamically deformed metals

Dear Colleagues,

I invite you to read our recent paper on the orientation dependent plasticity mechanisms that control the dynamic creation of nanostructures and their  behavior under subsequent quasistatic microcompression published in the International Journal of Plasticity


Ramathasan Thevamaran's picture

Synergistic strength and toughness through impact-induced nanostructural evolutions in metals

Dear Colleagues,

I invite you to read our recent paper on the process-structure-property relations in heterogeneous nanostructured metals created through a laser induced projectile impact of single crystal microcubes published in the Extreme Mechanics Letters


Constitutive theory for gels by considering molecular frictions

By directly considering molecular frictions induced on polymer chains, we have developed a nonaffine constitutive theory for large stretch behaviors of gels.!#


Cemal Basaran's picture

Prof. Zdenek Bazant Plenary Lecture at ICDM 4 in Baton Rouge

Prof. Zdenek Bazant (Northwestern University, USA) sent me a copy of the plenary lecture he delivered at Int. Conf. on Damage Mechanics 4 at LSU on May 15, 2023, to be posted. The lecture is about a critique of the theoretical inconsistencies in the Phase Field and Peridynamics techniques. Remarkably interesting talk that will create a significant discussion about the validity of these methods..


Zdeněk P. Bažant Medal

The Zdeněk P. Bažant Medal was established in 2022 by the Applied Mechanics Division and recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of mechanics through research, practice, teaching and/or outstanding leadership. For details, please go to: Zdeněk P. Bažant Medal

arash_yavari's picture

Universal Displacements in Inextensible Fiber-Reinforced Linear Elastic Solids

For a given class of materials, universal displacements are those displacements that can be maintained for any member of the class by applying only boundary tractions. In this paper we study universal displacements in compressible anisotropic linear elastic solids reinforced by a family of inextensible fibers. For each symmetry class and for a uniform distribution of straight fibers respecting the corresponding symmetry we characterize the respective universal displacements. A goal of this paper is to investigate how an internal constraint affects the set of universal displacements.

Article: Interaction of two cylinders immersed in a viscous fluid. On the effect of moderate Keulegan–Carpenter numbers on the fluid forces

This work deals with the hydrodynamic interaction of two parallel circular cylinders, with identical radii, immersed in a viscous fluid initially at rest. One cylinder is stationary while the other one is imposed a harmonic motion with a moderate amplitude of vibration. The direction of motion is parallel to the line joining the centers of the two cylinders. The two dimensional fluid–structure problem is numerically solved by the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method implemented in the open-source CFD code TrioCFD.

A new method of plastic limit analysis for rectangular plates

Based on a new element model of solid body, the plastic limit analysis of plate is carried out. The new element model is a truss composed of 24 bars. Taking the simply supported square plate and rectangular plate under uniform load as an example, by comparing the new element method with the classical plastic limit analysis theory, it can be found that the limit load and the distribution of plastic zone obtained by the two methods are in good agreement.

A new model for elasto-plastic analysis of steel

This is a beautiful, unparalleled elastoplastic model for plastic materials.

Based on the equivalent stress and deformation of regular hexahedron microelement and truss element, a new truss element model is presented. It can be used to solve the elasto-plastic plane stress problem and spatial problem of steel. Through a large number of examples, the new element model can be found to have good accuracy.


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