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martin.levesque's blog

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Post-doctoral fellowship position at Polytechnique Montréal on phase field modelling

Polytechnique Montréal is looking for a post-doctoral fellow having a very strong training in continuum mechanics/numerical methods to work on the phase field modelling of damage in materials. This one-year project will consist in deploying and applying an existing phase field code at two industrial partners: one in optics and the other in aerospace. 

Please send your CVs at my address: martin.levesque(at)

martin.levesque's picture

PhD position at Polytechnique Montréal on the mechanics of biosourced composites


Biosourced composites and polymers for tommorow’s structural applications

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Post-doctoral position in Montréal on crystal plasticity in collaboration with the aerospace industry


I am looking for a 12-15 months post-doctoral fellow to work on crystal plasticity finite element simulation of impacts. This project is parts of a larger collaborative project with Pratt and Whitney, Bell Helicopter, L3 and Héroux Devtek aiming at understanding the effects of shot peening on fatigue life. The project involves 3 other post-doctoral fellows and 4 PhD students.

The starting date is flexible and could be as soon as now, depending on the candidates expertise.

The interested candidates are invited to send me their CV and publication lists.

martin.levesque's picture

Post-doctoral position at Polytechnique Montréal in the simulation of the shot peening process

Dear All

I am currently looking for post-doctoral candidates to work on the simulation of the shot peening process by coupling discrete and dynamic finite element simulations. This is a two-year position. The project is in collaboration with 4 major aerospace companies and involved 6 other PhDs and 2 PDFs. 

The applicants should have a very strong background in computational mechanics.

Please send me:

martin.levesque's picture

Post-doctoral position at McGill/Polytechnique Montreal on crystal plasticity

I have a 2-year post-doctoral position available at McGill/Polytechnique to work on the effect of shot peening on the residual stresses at the grain levels. The methodology will consist of meshing representative volume elements of polycristals and submitt them to shot peening (explicit dynamic simulations). I require a candidate who has exprience in FE modeling of Representative Volume Elements of polycristals and crystal plasticity. 

martin.levesque's picture

PhD position at Polytechnique Montréal on the modelling of the peen forming process with a major aerospace company

Polytechnique Montréal is looking for a candidate with a strong solid mechanics and computational mechanics background to work on the simulation of the shot peen forming process for full scale wing panels. The project will consist of using and improving current methodologies for predicting the response of thin Al sheets submitted to shot peening. The predictions will be validated against real data generated on full scale wing panels by a major aerospace company. 

martin.levesque's picture

9th International Conference on the Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials – Call for papers

Dear Colleagues
The 9th International Conference on the Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials will be held in Montréal, Canada, from May 27th to 30th 2014. The purpose of this conference is to foster exchanges between researchers dealing with mechanical (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, rheology, etc.) time-dependent aspects of different materials so as to generate new ideas and solutions for nowadays problems. The conference features 4 keynotes presentation given by world-class experts dealing with polymers, composites, metals and living tissues.

martin.levesque's picture

PhD positions available at Polytechnique Montréal and McGill universities on shot peening with 5 aerospace companies

Ecole Polytechnique and McGill are seeking two PhD candidates for a large project aiming at understanding the effects of shot peening on the fatigue lives of aerospace components. The project involves 8 PhD students that will be working in close collaboration. The project is co-funded by the Canadian goverment and 5 leading aerospace companies located in Montréal. Some projects involve internships at these companies.

We are seeking two students for the following projects:


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