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Fluid Structure Interaction

Article: A frequency-independent second-order framework for the formulation of experimental fluidelastic forces using hidden flow variables

The importance of fluidelastic forces in flow-excited vibrations is crucial, in view of their damaging potential. Flow-coupling coefficients are often experimentally obtained from vibration experiments, performed within a limited experimental frequency range. For any given flow velocity, these coefficients are typically frequency-dependent, as amply documented in the literature since the seminal work of Tanaka and Takahara.

Article: A new criterion for the instability threshold of a square tube bundle subject to an air-water cross-flow

We investigate the fluid-elastic instability of a square tube bundle subject to two-phase cross-flow. A dimensional analysis is carried out, leading to a new criterion of instability. This criterion establishes a direct link with the instability thresholds in single-phase flows. In parallel to the dimensional analysis, experimental work is carried out to i) determine the instability thresholds in single-phase flows (new relation between the Scruton, Stokes and Reynolds number), ii) to test the validity of the two-phase flow instability criterion, derived from the dimensional analysis.

Article: Interaction of two cylinders immersed in a viscous fluid. On the effect of moderate Keulegan–Carpenter numbers on the fluid forces

This work deals with the hydrodynamic interaction of two parallel circular cylinders, with identical radii, immersed in a viscous fluid initially at rest. One cylinder is stationary while the other one is imposed a harmonic motion with a moderate amplitude of vibration. The direction of motion is parallel to the line joining the centers of the two cylinders. The two dimensional fluid–structure problem is numerically solved by the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method implemented in the open-source CFD code TrioCFD.

ACM2015 : International Conference on Advances in Applied and Computational Mechanics ,5-7 August 2015, Izmir/Turkey

We are proud to announce International Conference on Advances in Applied and Computational Mechanics, which is organized in the honor of  70th birthday of Prof.J.N.Reddy. This is a tribute for his many and lasting contribution to education and research in applied mechanics.


Conference will be held at  WYNDHAM GRAND Hotel, Inciralti Izmir/Turkey during August 5-7, 2015. 

FSI issue in abaqus co-simulation: misaligned nodes

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Hi everyone,

 I am performing FSI simulation under abaqus.

The simulation consists in a porous solid (elastic isotrope and homogeneous under Abaqus/explicit) filled by a non newtonian (viscous fluid under Abaqus/CFD). The whole is contained in a cubic shell in order to apply proper boundary condition.

The cube is pinned on one face and undergoes a compression displacement on the opposite face. I have defined an interaction condition between the solid surface and the fluid model surface so Abaqus can exchange information during Explicit and CFD simulation.

fhuera's picture


The laboratory for fluid structure interaction (LIFE) at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) in Tarragona, Spain is looking for a Postdoc candidate to apply for the Beatriu de Pinós scholarship. The candidate will work in a project involving fluid-structure interaction in offshore engineering with applications to wind energy and the dynamics of offshore structures.

fhuera's picture


The laboratory for fluid structure interaction (LIFE) at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) in Tarragona, Spain is looking for a PhD cadidate. The student will work in a project involving fluid-structure interaction in offshore engineering with applications to wind energy and the dynamics of offshore structures.

More information can be seen in the attached PDF or in

Overhead Electrical Conductors

Mechanics of overhead electrical conductors under wind excitation is a complex problem . It is described in detail in  the following book:

EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book: Wind-Induced Conductor Motion. Second Edition. EPRI. Palo Alto, CA. 2009. 1018554.

EPRI : Electric Power Research Institute.

Journal of Fluids and Structures - Celebrating 25 years of succesful publication

Read the full story at

The Journal of Fluids and Structures publishes original full-length papers, review articles and brief communications on any aspect of fluid–structure interaction and on the dynamics of systems related to such interactions: analytical, experimental, or computational.

fhuera's picture


The Fluid-Structure Interactions Lab (LIFE) ( at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) ( in Tarragona (Spain), is looking for an enthusiastic research student with a strong interest in fluid dynamics to apply for one of the FI 2012 grants given by the Catalan Government.

tedvaughan's picture

Fluid structure interaction with Abaqus



I'm looking for tutorials or example problems on carrying out Fluid Structure Interaction simulations using Abaqus.  

I have a large amount of experience with Abaqus Standard however Abaqus CFD is very new to me.  Would anyone have the training course notes on either "introduction to "ABAQUS/CFD" or "FSI Simulation with Abaqus"? If so, I'd really appreciate a copy.




When Newmark Misses!

                         Accurate Implicit Time Integration in Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis

Using an effective time marching procedure is an important aspect in the implicit finite element analysis

of nonlinear dynamic problems. Here, we demonstrate some of the difficulties that can arise through an

example involving contact chatter and fluid structure interaction:

Virtual Heart Surgery

1. We highlight a study performed by researchers using ADINA in which they investigated a computational approach to construct patient-specific ventricle models based on in vivo cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging for surgical planning and optimization. The study was motivated by the fact that the use of such computational models can help to assess different surgical hypotheses and replace empirical and perhaps risky clinical experimentation. For more information please see

Multiphysics Capabilities of ADINA

ADINA offers a comprehensive array of multiphysics capabilities tightly integrated in one program:

* Fluid-structure interaction (FSI)
* Thermo-mechanical coupling (TMC)
* Structural-pore pressure coupling (porous media)
* Thermal-fluid-structural coupling
* Electric field-structural coupling (piezoelectric)
* Thermal-electrical coupling (Joule heating)
* Acoustic fluid-structural coupling
* Fluid flow-mass transfer coupling

FSI Analysis to Understand Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

1. We present an interesting application of ADINA FSI in the study of carpal tunnel syndrome. The analyses involve large deformations and contact of multiple flexible bodies which are immersed in a fluid:

2. Please recall that we offer a very attractive academic package, for research and teaching, for university users. For more information see

FSI Analysis of the Human Coughing Mechanism

We present an application of ADINA FSI in the study of the human coughing mechanism. The aim of the study is to help surgeons to position tracheal implants effectively. Please see

You can find many other examples of applications of ADINA in the analysis of multiphysics problems here:

FSI in Brain Dynamics

We present an interesting application of ADINA FSI in  
cerebrospinal fluid dynamics, please see

Aerodynamics of Flapping Wings for Biomimetic Flying Devices

We present an interesting application of ADINA FSI in the
analysis of biomimetic flying devices. Please see

You can find many other examples of applications of ADINA in the
analysis of multiphysics problems here:

Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian Analysis

Hi every one,

 I am in my final stage of my dissertation, which is about slamming analysis of boat hulls with help of CEL - in Abaqus. I am currently working in how to validate the results which I got. Is there any way except experimental method to validate the stress - strain results?

Please help me...


Kunal Baxi


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