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Oleg Kirillov's blog

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The first experimental evidence of the Ziegler destabilization paradox

A “flutter machine” is introduced for the investigation of a singular interface between the classical and reversible Hopf bifurcations that is theoretically predicted to be generic in nonconservative reversible systems with vanishing dissipation. In particular, such a singular interface exists for the Pflüger viscoelastic column moving in a resistive medium, which is proven by means of the perturbation theory of multiple eigenvalues with the Jordan block.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Abstract submission is open for MS-7-4 at ESMC 2018, deadline November 15, 2017


Mini-Symposium 7-4 - Instabilities in Structural Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interactions at ESMC 2018 in Bologna. Deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2017. Organizers: Oleg Kirillov (Northumbria University), Olivier Doare (ENSTA Paristech). Mini-symposium description:

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Call for abstracts: Mini-Symposium "Instabilities in Structural Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interactions" at ESMC 2018

This is the first announcement of the

Mini Symposium "Instabilities in Structural Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interactions"

Oleg Kirillov (Northumbria University, UK), Olivier Doare (ENSTA ParisTech, France)

In the frame of ESMC 2018 - 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, July 2-6, 2018 Bologna, Italy

Oleg Kirillov's picture

PhD Position at Northumbria University, UK

 Rotating Keplerian flows in helical magnetic fields: Global stability analysis

Oleg Kirillov's picture


Davide Bigoni and Oleg Kirillov co-ordinate the CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on
The course will be held at CISM in Udine on April 10-14 2017

Invited Lecturers

Davide Bigoni - Università di Trento, Italy

6 lectures on: The experimental realization of follower forces and the
evidence of flutter and divergence instability. How to experimentally
attack the problem of the Ziegler paradox. Flutter and friction. Flutter
in continuous media: the case of granular materials.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Robust Stability at the Swallowtail Singularity

Consider the set of monic fourth-order real polynomials transformed so that the constant term is one. In the three-dimensional space of the coefficients describing this set, the domain of asymptotic stability is bounded by a surface with the Whitney umbrella singularity. The maximum of the real parts of the roots of these polynomials is globally minimized at the Swallowtail singular point of the discriminant surface of the set corresponding to a negative real root of multiplicity four.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations

Bringing together 18 chapters written by leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid- and fluid mechanics, this book presents state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new and challenging stability problems.

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Nonconservative Stability Problems of Modern Physics

This monograph gives a complete overview on the subject of nonconservative stability from the modern point of view. Relevant mathematical concepts are presented, as well as rigorous stability results and numerous classical and contemporary examples from mechanics and physics.

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