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Abstract submission is open for MS-7-4 at ESMC 2018, deadline November 15, 2017


Mini-Symposium 7-4 - Instabilities in Structural Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interactions at ESMC 2018 in Bologna. Deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2017. Organizers: Oleg Kirillov (Northumbria University), Olivier Doare (ENSTA Paristech). Mini-symposium description:

Oleg Kirillov's picture

Nonconservative Stability Problems of Modern Physics

This monograph gives a complete overview on the subject of nonconservative stability from the modern point of view. Relevant mathematical concepts are presented, as well as rigorous stability results and numerous classical and contemporary examples from mechanics and physics.

Ansys divergence

Hello All,

I have a question regarding Ansys solution divergence in nonlinear static analysis, with geometry and material nonlinearities. In this case the model is shell but that should ba valid for bricks as well.

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