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Faculty positions at Washington State University: Manufacturing/Design and Robotics/Machine learning

The School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) in the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture (VCEA) at Washington State University invites applications from outstanding candidates for two tenure-track/tenured positions at any rank, in the general areas of

(a) Manufacturing and Design, and

(b) Robotics and Machine learning.

Candidates at the Associate/Full Professor rank are preferred, but truly exceptional candidates at the Assistant Professor rank will be considered.

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deadline for financial aid for the CISM summer course on Mesoscale models

This is a reminder that the deadline to apply for the financial aid for the summer course in Udine is approaching:  March 22. 


Short course at Centre International de Sciences Mechanique (CISM), Udine.

May 22-26, 2017

Lecturers:  S Forest, I Groma, D McDowell, S Mesarovic, J-N Roux, H Zbib

The flyer is attached.  Register at: 

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Special Issue: Granular materials; Journal: Materials

Journal: Materials  (flyer attached)

Impact Factor 2.728

Special Issue: Granular materials   Special Issue Editor: Sinisa Mesarovic       Deadline: 15 April 2017

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Special Issue: Plasticity of Crystals and Interfaces; Journal: Crystals

Journal: Crystals

Special Issue: Plasticity of Crystals and Interfaces

Special Issue Editor: Sinisa Dj. Mesarovic

Deadline for submission of papers: 30 April 2017


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Short course: Mesoscale models: From micro-physics to macro-interpretation

Short course at Centre International de Sciences Mechanique (CISM), Udine.

May 22-26, 2017

Lecturers:  S Forest, I Groma, D McDowell, S Mesarovic, J-N Roux, H Zbib

The flyer is attached.  Register at: 


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