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Faculty positions at Washington State University: Manufacturing/Design and Robotics/Machine learning

mesarovic's picture

The School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) in the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture (VCEA) at Washington State University invites applications from outstanding candidates for two tenure-track/tenured positions at any rank, in the general areas of

(a) Manufacturing and Design, and

(b) Robotics and Machine learning.

Candidates at the Associate/Full Professor rank are preferred, but truly exceptional candidates at the Assistant Professor rank will be considered.

Candidates’ interests and research plan should align with the priorities of the School. The specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to: design for additive manufacturing, micro/nano-manufacturing or a related area of advanced manufacturing, automation and control in next-generation manufacturing technologies, machine learning in measurement and control, agricultural robotics.

MME has significant facilities and engagement in additive manufacturing and design. The current engagement in robotics and machine learning involves collaborative efforts in MME and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

To learn more about the opportunity and MME visit: 

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