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Seeking a Post-Doctoral Associate in Finite-Element-based Physics-Informed ML

The microMechanics of Deformation Research Group (mMOD) in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Rutgers University is seeking a Post-Doctoral Associate to perform research under an internal award from the Rutgers TechAdvance program. The goal of the project is to extend a recently developed technique for constructing finite-element-based physics-informed neural network (FE-PINN) surrogate models to nonlinear problems in mechanics of materials (and beyond).

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Opening for Post-Doctoral Associate in Machine Learning for Computational Mechanics

The microMechanics of Deformation Research Group (mMOD) in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Rutgers University is seeking a Post-Doctoral Associate to perform research as part of an NSF CAREER award project aimed at understanding the fundamentals of fracture in metals. Research tasks will include the development of a machine learning framework for training surrogate models which couples with the finite element method and analyzing large atomistic simulation datasets.

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Postdoc Opening in Computational Materials Science at Rutgers University

The microMechanics of Deformation Research Group (mMOD) in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Rutgers University is seeking a Post-Doctoral Associate to participate in a pair of collaborative projects with a Department of Energy National Laboratory. The projects are focused on using discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) simulations to understand dislocation patterning in deformed metals, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to understanding crack initiation in hydrogen-affected steels.

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