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inelastic deformation

jenda_z's picture

Advanced course on Modeling of localized inelastic deformation, Prague, 4--8 September 2023

The 2023 edition of the advanced course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation, given by Milan Jirásek, takes place from 4 to 8 September at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.

xiangzhang's picture

Opening for a Ph.D. student at the University of Wyoming for Fall 2023: multiscale modeling of heterogeneous materials under inelastic deformation and damage

The Computations for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory (CAMML) in the College of Engineering and Physical Science at the University of Wyoming has an opening for a Ph.D. student for Fall 2023, in the area of multiscale modeling of heterogeneous materials under inelastic deformation and damage. 

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