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rajan_prithivi's picture

Concept of state of stress in a simple way

I tried to explain the concept of state of stress in a simple way, here is the link to the video - state of stress

rajan_prithivi's picture

Failure of brittle materials using simple experiments -Part 1

Below is the video link to my first lecture video, where in I tried to demonstrate the failure of brittle materials using simple experiments.


More on objective incremental constitutive equations

Check out my new article on a source of confusion in material and spatial versions of constitutive equations at

-- Biswajit

as's picture

Final announcement Summer school Mechanics for the green economy

Organizers invite to attend the summer school 

Mechanics for the green economy: Modeling and High Performance Computing in  multi-scale and multi-physics processes.

Brescia and Trento, Italy,  19-25 July 2017.


Fellowship deadline is Sunday, May 7. Registration deadline July 1, 2017.


Prof. W. Bangerth, Colorado State University, USA

Theocharis's picture

Summer School on Advanced Material Systems: Experimentation–Modeling–Commercialization, 4-11 July 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

On behalf of the Center for Research and Development of Advanced Materials established by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Texas A&M University Engineering Experiment Station, we would like to announce a summer school on Advanced Material Systems: Experimentation–Modeling–Commercialization.

Stavros Gaitanaros's picture

Short Course on Mechanics of Foams

A short course on the “Mechanics of Liquid and Solid Foams” will be offered at CISM, the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine, Italy, 3-7 July 2017 (see brochure attached).

The course will focus on relationships between the cellular microstructure and nonlinear mechanical behavior of liquid and solid foams, and foam-like biological and synthetic materials. Theoretical models, experimental methods, and numerical simulations will be presented. The course is aimed at PhD students, postdocs, and researchers in academia and industry.

The speakers are:

Reading XML files containing gzipped data in C++

Once upon a time, the CEO of my company asked me why I did so much software engineering for my work.  My response was that software engineers were unlikely to produce what I needed in the short time frames that I had at my disposal without me spending a huge amount of time training them.

Creating a multi-keyframe animation with d3.js.

Creating a multi-keyframe animation with d3.js.

Something that should be in the toolbox of every modern researcher.  Static plots in journals are not good enough given today's technology.

-- Biswajit

Summer School on Computational Materials Science at Texas A&M

On behalf of the Center for intelligent Multifunctional Materials and Structures (CiMMS) and the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Texas A&M University, we would like to announce the coming, sixth iteration of the Texas A&M 

Nonlinear programming and closest point return plasticity

New article:  Nonlinear programming and closest point return plasticity

This article tries to justify the use of backward Euler stress updates.

-- Biswajit

Forward vs backward Euler for return algorithms

In Part 5 of my series on return mapping for plane stress plasticity, I claim that the obsession with backward Euler is not justified if accuracy is important.  See

Let me know if you disagree and why.

-- Biswajit

Mike Ciavarella's picture

GADeS Summer School on Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems: Theoretical Aspects and Applications

Dinamica e stabilità

First announcement of
GADeS Summer School on

Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamical Systems:
Theoretical Aspects and Applications

July 3-7, 2017, Savona, Italy


maharshi.kintada's picture

Arc Length Continuation method fails at low arc length values.

I have implemented a Arc length continuation method for material non-linearity. The program quits with low arc length values while it progresses well for high arc length values. I am attaching a png image for your understating  about the nature of the force deformation curve. Can you please clarify me about the problem and provide me any suggestions on it.

Thanks in advance.

mesarovic's picture

deadline for financial aid for the CISM summer course on Mesoscale models

This is a reminder that the deadline to apply for the financial aid for the summer course in Udine is approaching:  March 22. 


Short course at Centre International de Sciences Mechanique (CISM), Udine.

May 22-26, 2017

Lecturers:  S Forest, I Groma, D McDowell, S Mesarovic, J-N Roux, H Zbib

The flyer is attached.  Register at: 

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Politecnico di Milano creates a large debate in Italy with its decision to teach only in English

Recently, Politecnico di Milano in Italy has attempted to force all teaching at Master level in English.  This has been stopped by some academics who went to different levels of administrative courts, and recently there was a prononciation of the Supreme Court.  The matter is not settled yet, but you can find an account of this with various links here.


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