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Learn fluid mechanics or thermodynamics ?

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Fundamentals of Simpleware Training (full day), UK, Feb 7th 2017

When: Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Where: Synopsys Reading Training Centre, 100 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading, RG2 6UJ, United Kingdom


This one-day intensive training course intends to give new and existing users sufficient knowledge of the basic functionality of Simpleware software. It will allow you to develop workflows based your areas of research and future projects.

shreeram111's picture

Harmonic analysis with a crack?

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Hello everybody,

                          I am trying to perform a harmonic analysis of a material sample (say a simple 2D plate) with an edge crack in it using 'Ansys R16'. I see that under sinusoidal loading condition, the two crack faces open or close and interpenetrate (after closing which is not possible practically).

          1.  I believe, stiffnesses of the crack faces change during interpenetration and so the results are not credible anymore.

mesarovic's picture

Short course: Mesoscale models: From micro-physics to macro-interpretation

Short course at Centre International de Sciences Mechanique (CISM), Udine.

May 22-26, 2017

Lecturers:  S Forest, I Groma, D McDowell, S Mesarovic, J-N Roux, H Zbib

The flyer is attached.  Register at: 


Assistant Professor, Computational Solid Mechanics

FacultyPositioninComputational Solid Mechanics,CornellUniversity 

Assistant Professor, Computational Solid Mechanics

FacultyPositioninComputational Solid Mechanics,CornellUniversity 

mohammedlamine's picture

Transformation Matrix


The attached file describes the development of the transformation matrix of a beam element:

kshitij_gaikar's picture

Unconnected regions in abaqus

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I am new to abaqus and currently working in Abaqus 2016

I am getting the error 5 unconnected regions in abaqus. I have checked thoroughly all the interefaces and boundary conditions but I am not able to sort out this problem. Also I am getting Displacment increment is too big for contact. The job is getting aborted eventually.

I have attached images of the model.

JeremyCeak's picture

Paper writing service

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Writing of a student term paper is a substantial thing. It is indispensable to use all facts of the theme, the ability to analyze the facts, competently build your conclusions, as well as to show your literary craftsmanship. If you do not have time for it; there is no opportunity to focus because of unavailability of information, or you just can't do it yourself - we will help you! Our team of writers is glad to suggest a huge kit of works, and our database is permanently updated with new additions. Essay Zone is a fount of information accessible to everybody. Here you can easily find the demanded article of the offered topics.
In addition, we offer such a service as a publication of your own compositions. You can share your experience as an author and publish your work in the data base free of charge. We approve the storytellers of any directivity.
[url=]Our team of professionals[/url] is your reliable assistant in issues of learning!

Design of Storage Tank( including Cone roof structure analysis)

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Namaste from India.Jay Naik here. I am Post graduation Student doing Specialization in Machine Design.I am Doing My project in Master in area of" Design of storage tank" in One of the reputed company in Static Equipment Design.Any Idea on which Software(Fea or failure analysis) Design of storage tank is carried out?I have heard about AMETank and Ansys.

Secondly i am carrying out Literature review Present days.reading API 650 and other standards.Suggestion requires in this area.

Please guide me in proper which way i should carry out the project in systematic way.

Daniel Kiener's picture

Developments and challenges in miniaturized in situ experiments – Towards small-scale fracture mechanics

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dphull's picture

Underwater Soil Mechanics Problem

I am an undergraduate student conducting a research project involving the design of a tool to aid astronauts to perform experiments on lunar surfaces and would like to request some direction about which analytical tools would be best suited for this application (i.e. FEA or DEM software/techniques). The specific scenario of interest is to design a tool that can act as an anchor in a sand-like medium (regolith) on the surface of the moon.

defining a time dependent elastic modulus

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I'm working on a model with Abaqus and I face a problem. One of my materials has an elastic modulus which isn't constant according to time. As I search I found out that this should be done by USDFLD subroutine. I'm not familiar with subroutins and how to write them and all the resourses that I've found just confused me more. I would be grateful if someone helps me.....

Invitation to Hybrid Films to Human Skin: The Relationship between Structure, Processing and Function


Dear All,


I would like to invite fellow bloggers in Singapore to a Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Engineering Product Development (EPD) Lecture Series talk titled: 

Hybrid Films to Human Skin: The Relationship between Structure, Processing and Function

presented by Professor Reinhold H. Dauskardt (Stanford University), on Tue, 12 July 2016, 3:00pm – 4:00pm Singapore Time, SUTD Lecture Theatre 1 (1.102).

Newton Raphson for FEM

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I am currently working on a FEM  2d plane strain elastic model in matlab. The next step would be to use a non linear constiutive law (Mohr-Coulomb). As far as I have been reading non linearities, are solved with iteration schemes. My question is how to compute the tangent matrix with the N.Raphson method? I have seen only case for polynomials, but not for matrices.



bangjianli's picture

Looking for further learning opportunities

I am a PhD candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

My research intrest is Digital Image Correlation (DIC).

I am looking for the opportunities for further study.

My email:

Thank you for considering my request.

All the best to you.

Discrete Element Modelling (DEM)

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Can I use DEM using Abaqus 6.14?? If yes how?? 

Thank you

rajan_prithivi's picture

Large Deformation - Definition of total work energy density

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Like we have the elastic strain energy density for small deformations  defined as 0.5* σ :e  .

Is the equation PK2:E valid for the total work energy density for elastoplastic regimes ? If not, what would be a valid equation for total energy density ?

How can we decompose total work density into elastic work and plastic work densities for a large deformation case.


PK2 is the second piola kirchoff stress tensor

E is the Green-Lagrange strain tensor






shreeram111's picture

Plane_Stress, Plane_Strain and 3D - Simple doubt..

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Hello everybody,

 UPDATE :   Question can be deemed as closed.. :)

                       I have a very simple doubt in 3D model simplification. I believe plane stress and plane strain conditions are the two extreme states to simplify a 3D model to 2D case.

Transfroming applied tractions into statically equivalent nodal force BC

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I am trying to produce results for problems with analytical solution to validate my FE code. One of the problmes is the classical plate with a hole configuration with tractions applied at boundaries. However, presently, I can only impose BC in terms of nodal forces and displacements. Therefore I must transform the applied stress in statically equivalent nodal forces.

jenda_z's picture

Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation 2016 (LID 2016)

Dear colleagues,

on behalf of the course organizer, I would like to bring to your attention to the advanced course on Modeling of localized inelastic deformation that will be taught by Milan Jirásek in Prague, Czech Republic on 19-23 September 2016.

Simpleware at Hartree Summer Schools 2016: Week 2 - Engineering Simulation

Dates: June 27 - July 1, 2016

Venue: The Hartree Centre, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD, UK    [Directions]

School Leaders: Lee Margetts (University of Manchester), Anton Shterenlikht (University of Bristol), and Llion Evans (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)

Registration Fee: £150

Simpleware are contributing to this event.


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