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RA in Experimental Mechanics - Cambridge

The Cambridge Solid Mechanics Group are starting a new project with the aim to transform the design of engineering components from one based on selecting a best single material to one in which material properties and compositions are treated as continuous, spatially varying quantities. The project will amongst other things use (i) lab-based flux enhanced tomography for full field measurement of deformation fields and X-ray diffraction measurements of volumetric stress coupled to novel specimen designs, and (ii) associated data-driven material model discovery techniques. We are looking a research associate/assistant to work in the experimental aspects to the project which will involve insitu material testing within X-ray tomographic setups, design of these setups as well as analysis of the associated measurements.

The project is a collaborative project being conducted along with partner universities in the US. The role holder is expected to not only collaborate extensively within the research group at Cambridge but also our external partners. This includes regular meetings, joint publications etc. The role holder is also expected to assist with grant administration and in writing reports for funding bodies.

The skills, qualifications and experience required to perform the roles are wide. The specific skills include a good working knowledge of X-ray measurement techniques, mechanical measurement methods and digital correlation methods. The applicant will have obtained or be close to obtaining a PhD in Mechanical Engineering or a related field with a strong background in continuum mechanics.

Appointment at Research Associate level is dependent on having a PhD. Those who have submitted but not yet received their PhD will be appointed at Research Assistant level, which will be amended to Research Associate once the PhD has been awarded.

Salary Ranges: Research Assistant: £29,605 - £33,966  Research Associate: £36,024 - £44,263

Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 12 months in the first instance.

For more information and to apply go here

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