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IOSO vs Genetic Algorithm (comparison on practical optimization problem)

Dear Colleagues,

Here we would like to offer you the summary from a published work concernign the optimization of industrial object. The work describes the application of parallel IOSO algorithms and parallel genetic algorithm PGA for the solution of optimization of 3D serpentine cooling passage inside a turbine blade.




Call for Abstracts: Mechanical Behavior of Low Dimensional Materials, MS&T 2010, Houston, TX

We cordially invite you to submit an abstract to Symposium: Mechanical Behavior of Low Dimensional Materials at Materials Science & Technology 2010 (MS&T'10) to be held on October 17-21, 2010 in Houston, Texas. For submission, please go to The deadline for abstract submission is March 15, 2010.




I am doing project in Journal Bearing. I want to run Contact Analysis in ABAQUS to understand the Tribological properties. Could you please help me to learn the Contact Analysis in ABAQUS.

 Thanking you.



Basker. K 

Creation of CRACK in 3D GEOMETRY

I am doing a project in FRACTURE MECHANICS.I completed doing the TASK in 2D geometries now i am facing a problem of creation of CRACK in 3D.. The most important thing is i need to execute in ANSYS only through GUI not through CODING.....PLZZZZZ....HELP ME....... I am attaching the MODEL also ... The model is a PRESSURE VESSEL..... Plz... help



fluid statics, (behaviour of lighter & heavier bodies in water) at constant acceleration

If a car filled with water is accelerated at uniform rate, and a heavy object is hanged by a string from the top of the car and a balloon with a string from the bottom of the car. What would be the direction of deflection of balloon & the heavy object. I would appreciate if someone could explain to me the phenomena of deflection, which would be helpful for me to better understand the topic please.

Rui Huang's picture

Swell induced surface instability of confined hydrogel layers

A previous work suggested a critical condition to form surface creases in elastomers and gels. For elastomers, the critical condition seems to have closed a gap between experimental observations (e.g., by bending a rubber block) and the classical instability analysis by Biot. For gels, however, experiments have observed a wide range of critical swelling ratios, from around 2 to 3.7. Here we present a linear perturbation analysis for swollen hydrogels confined on a rigid substrate, which predicts critical swelling ratios in a similar range.

Oliver Kraft's picture

Gordon Research Conference - Thin Film and Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior - Registration is open

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM - Registration is open
Thin Film and Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior
July 25 - 30, 2010 at Colby College, Waterville, Maine

Online Application:

Preliminary Program:

Badis's picture

Pin problem in Abaqus.

I have a quite (i think) easy problem to solve. Its a truss bar problem that is connected with pins where I just need to investigate the displacment(u).
(its a triangle with a bar in the middle, upper chord is planar and the middle bar is vertical.)

My problem is just that i have never used any pin function in abaqus.

Ansys workbench





 i want to know the difference between ansys and ansys workbench, 

what is the difference between them.. which give good result.

please let me know.


thanking you

Zhigang Suo's picture

Crack-tip field

These notes were initially written when I taught fracture mechanics in spring 2010.  The title of the notes was then "stress intensity factor".  In revising the notes for the class in 2014, I have changed the title of the notes to "crack-tip field".

You can access all notes for the course on fracture mechanics


PostDoc position, Karlsruhe (Germany): Mechanics of Granular Materials in Fusion Technology

A research position is now opening in the field of Computational Mechanics of granular materials, in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. This position should start between May and September 2010, and is a full-time fixed-term PostDoc position for 2 years (TVL E13).

razi's picture

FEMhub: Scientific computing for the rest of us

I came across a wonderful site a couple of weeks ago.

FEMhub is still at its beginning stage, but it can already do lots of interesting stuff. For someone like me who teaches numerical/computer methods in engineering at a developing country where computing is costly, tools like FEMhub are very much welcome.  

 More about FEMhub on my website. Try out the example worksheets and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. 

Ahmad Rafsanjani's picture

Writing User Subroutines with ABAQUS

Dear All,

 I think that many students are looking for some tutorials about writing a UMAT in ABAQUS.

You can find a comprehensive tutorial for elastic problems.

This file contains: 

• Motivation

• Steps Required in Writing a UMAT or VUMAT

• UMAT Interface


Example 1: UMAT for Isotropic Isothermal Elasticity

Example 2: UMAT for Non-Isothermal Elasticity

Luming Shen's picture

Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Sydney

A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia. The  project aims to understand the effects of solid solute, grain size and intermetallic structure on the strength of Mg alloys through modelling and simulation. The project is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Design in Light Metals.

Stretching and Spin Tensors Relations

Can someone help me to understand this please:

The stretching tensor (D) is the symmetric part of the velocity gradient (L), and if I derive D from L with using the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient (F=RU) I get the relation:

D=0.5 R (Udot Uinv + Uinv Udot) R' ----(Eq.1) where Udot is the time derivative of U, Uinv is the inverse of U, and the prime indicates the tranpose of the matrix.

FSI in Brain Dynamics

We present an interesting application of ADINA FSI in  
cerebrospinal fluid dynamics, please see

Problem with Abaqus subroutine first increment

Hi everybody,

I´m working with umeshmotion subroutine, and Ihave one question.

Once I have submited the job and the subroutine, I can check that the nodes doesn´t move on the first increment in the subroutine´s step (the movement starts on the second increment), but in the .msg file I can see that the calculations has been made in the first increment.

Does anybody knows the reason?

Thanks in advance.

Chris W Smith's picture

PhD position available on Contact & Frictional Joints in Gas Turbines, fully funded

This studentship has now been filled, but there may be further similar studentships to follow.




Competence Centre for Composite Materials 

A Competence Centre for composite materials research is to be established at UL, with support from Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland. The Centre will conduct innovative, high quality research in the use of composite materials with direct relevance to industry.  Applications are invited for the position of Technology Leader (Centre Director) 

difference between elastic limit and proportional limit

hi all,

can anyone explain about the following basic questions

1. me the difference between the proportional limit and elastic limit.

   Please dont give the definitions of both, i need some detailed explaination.

 2. How many natural frequency a object can have?



Teng Li's picture

On the cover of the NSF 2011 Congressional Budget Request

The research on stretchable and twistable electronics by Yonggang Huang at Northwestern University and John A. Rogers at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign has been featured on the cover of the NSF Budget Request to the United States Congress for the fiscal year 2011.

Details available at


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