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EM 388F

EM388F Term Paper: Finite Element MEthod in Fracture Mechanics

Early applications of the finite element method to crack problem was
developed by Swedlow and et al. Even though they could get reasonable
accuracy about 5 to 10%, later study showed that solutions in the
vicinity of the crack tip cannot be guranteed to be accurate regardless
of the mesh density around tip. In order to overcome this problem,
people developed special crack tip elements.

In this term paper, I'm going to present 1) Finite Element Method in
Fracture Mechanics and 2) NewFinite Element technique so called Extended Element Method.

EM 388F Term Paper: Application of Fracture Mechanics on Cortical Bone Studies

One of the most common problems in older people is the fragility of the bones. Human bones are prone to fracture, and fracture of certain bones in the body such as the cortical bone may be fatal. Understanding of the fracture mechanism of bones is essential for the medical profession, and plays a major role in the study of osteoporosis as well.  

EM 388F Term Paper: Subcritical Cracking of Low-k Dielectrics



With the scaling of VLSI, ultra low-k dielectrics with porosity are being introduced to reduce the capacitance coupling. But due to the weak bonding strengths, low-k dielectrics may fail by environmental-assisted subcritical cracking, fracture at stresses far below the loads required for catastrophic failure, causing reliability issues. In this term paper, several references are reviewed to investigate the mechanism of subcritical cracking at multiscale levels.


EM 388F Term Paper: Theory and analysis tech for the use of a DCB specimen for determining the toughness of PC-3 Prostate Cancer

A double cantilever beam (DCB)
specimen is created by affixing the two halves together using a bi-layer of
PC-3 prostate cancer cells. The specimen is pinned at a bottom corner, and the
upper corner on the same end is displaced with the force-displacement profile
being recorded. This upper corner is displaced until the crack, a portion of
the specimen where cell grown has been selectively inhibited, propagates
through the cell layer. The critical value of force at which the crack
propagates through the cell layer is used, in conjunction with the initial
crack length, to determine the toughness via the compliance-energy method (Ripling, et al. 1971). A method for performing a FE analysis of the

Rui Huang's picture

EM 388F Term Paper

Assignment: Each student completes a term paper of selected topics that (a) addresses a fracture phenomenon in materials or structures, and (b) involves analyses using fracture mechanics. The project contributes 25% of the final grade, distributed as follows:


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