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PhD Positions Available (up to 2) on Fatigue Resistance of Bone

Bones not only support and protect the various organs of our body but provide structure and enable mobility making them the most important structural materials in the human body. While aging, diet and health are known to significantly affect the structural integrity and fracture resistance of bone, fatigue, a significantly more important loading condition, is rarely studied.

PhD Positions Available (up to 2) on Fatigue Resistance of Bone

Bones not only support and protect the various organs of our body but provide structure and enable mobility making them the most important structural materials in the human body. While aging, diet and health are known to significantly affect the structural integrity and fracture resistance of bone, fatigue, a significantly more important loading condition, is rarely studied.

Amir Abdollahi's picture

Flexoelectricity in Bones: A nanophenomenon that triggers the bone-repair process

Bones generate electricity under pressure, and this electromechanical behavior is thought to be essential for bone's self-repair and remodeling properties. The origin of this response is attributed to the piezoelectricity of collagen, which is the main structural protein of bones. In theory, however, any material can also generate voltages in response to strain gradients, thanks to the property known as flexoelectricity.

azadpoor's picture

Call for abstracts and special issue papers: Computational mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials

We would be pleased to have a contribution from you or from one of the members of your group among the presentations of the symposium entitled
organized within the joint World Congress on Computational Mechanics and European Conference on Computational Mechanics ( )
to be held on 20-25 July 2014 in Barcelona (Spain).

Frank Richter's picture

Uniaxial compression of heterogeneous/cellular material (bone)


Dear colleagues,

I kindly ask for advice on the following problem:

I simulate the uniaxial compression of a heterogeneous cylinder representing bone. Thus, it is not the visible solid exterior rim of the bone, but represents a porous structure within the bone, so-called trabecular bone, see the figure underneath.

The simulation is done in ABAQUS. The sample contains 164175 elements of type C3D4. The heterogeneous, porous structure makes it impossible to use axisymmmetric elements. The constitutive behavior is ELASTIC.

azadpoor's picture

Call for special issue papers: Mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials

The paramount role of mechanics in life has recently been the center of attention of many researchers. This special issue will be focusing on the role of mechanics in the life of cells and tissues and their interactions with biomaterials. Original research and review papers are solicited for review and publication in the journal Mechanical Sciences . Mechanical Sciences is an academic open-access journal sponsored by the Library of Delft University of Technology and The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Post-­‐doctoral research fellowship: Molecular mechanics of bone

Top candidates are sought for a collaborative research project between Dr. Sandra Shefelbine (Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London) and Dr. Markus Buehler (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).  This project will use molecular modelling techniques and associated experimental methods to explore the collagen-apatite interface in bone. 

EM 388F Term Paper: Application of Fracture Mechanics on Cortical Bone Studies

One of the most common problems in older people is the fragility of the bones. Human bones are prone to fracture, and fracture of certain bones in the body such as the cortical bone may be fatal. Understanding of the fracture mechanism of bones is essential for the medical profession, and plays a major role in the study of osteoporosis as well.  

An overview of bio-mechanical models for bones and related topics

Hi everyone!

I'm looking for a good comprehencive overview about bio-mechanics and numerical simulation in

bio-mechanics. I'm mainly interested in the following topics:

-- mathematical models for bone simulation

-- contact problems and corresponding models (e.g., bone-prosthesis models, etc.)

-- corresponding numerics/simulations

and corresponding state-of-the-art.

Thanks in advance! 


Post-Graduate Research Scientist Position in the study of Bone Remodelling

Post-Graduate Research Scientist Position
in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics

Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery,
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Numerical and Clinical Evaluation of
Bone Remodelling Processes

The Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery is searching for a highly

MichelleLOyen's picture

Variability in Bone Indentation

A viscous-elastic-plastic indentation model was used to assess the local variability of properties in healing porcine bone. Constant loading- and unloading-rate depth-sensing indentation tests were performed and properties were computed from nonlinear curve-fits of the unloading displacement-time data. Three properties were obtained from the fit: modulus (the coefficient of an elastic reversible process), hardness (the coefficient of a nonreversible, time-independent process) and viscosity (the coefficient of a nonreversible, time-dependent process). The region adjacent to the dental implant interface demonstrated a slightly depressed elastic modulus along with an increase in local time-dependence (lower viscosity); there was no clear trend in bone hardness with respect to the implant interface.

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