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Gao Yunxin's blog

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Prediction of CTEs of orthotropic composites


Are any analytical solutions for the effective CTEs (coefficent of thermal expansion) of orthotropic composites available?

I am trying to predict the CTEs of a resin matrix with Al reinforced fibers which have a rectangular cross-section (not a square). All the fiber in 90 degree direction. I know the volume fractions and the details of the rectangular cross section as well as the properties of the resin and Al. The CTEs in the two transverse directions are different.

 Thanks and regards




Gao Yunxin's picture

Mechanical-magnetic coupled harmonic analysis

Dear readers

I am trying to carry out a mechanical-magnetic coupled harmonic analysis by using ANSYS. Any ideas, advice or difficulties on this kind of coupled harmonic analysis are greatly appreciaed.

Thanks and regards#




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measurements of the 9 elastic constants of an orthotropic composite

Hi, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could tell me the methods to measure the elastic constants of an orthotropic composite (3D). Can we measure one single modulus by one specific stress state? What is the efficient way to do the test? Any information related to this test is appreciated.

Thanks and regards



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