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hectorlevatti's blog

Richards equation solution in 1D

Hello, I'm working in my PhD thesis and at the moment I have to solve the Richards' Equation in 1D.

C(h)*Dh/Dt = D/Dx[K(h)*Dh/Dx] + DK/Dx

with some boundary and initial condition.

I usually work in matlab and I need some point to start. If some of you know a matlab code that solve this kind of problem please tell me something.

Thanks a lot, and greetings.


H-M coupled problem

Hello, I'm working in my doctoral thesis. I work in drying cracks in soils. At the moment I'm starting to implement my code but I want to start with simplest case.

My problem is high nonlinear and for this reason I need to solve for example flow in unsaturated porous media. Are there any code in matlab to solve nonlinear problems in 1D ? for flow in porouos media or for heat transmition it could be useful for me.

Thank you very much.

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