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chakry84's blog

how to apply load int the form of 10 sin pi x/a sin pi y/b in ansys?

hi everyone,

                  please help in how to apply load in the form 10 sin pi x/a sin pi y/b for the static analysis of plate in ansys? here a and b are dimensions of plate and x=a/2, y=b/2. iam a beginner in ansys.

piezoelectric composite plate analysis using ansys

which element should i consider for the piezoelectric composite plate analysis in ansys. the lay up consists of top and bottom piezo layers and middle graphite epoxy? i want to apply sinusoidal voltage on top piezo layer and i need noidal deflections, please help in doing


help needed in writing matlab code for finite element analysis of composite with piezo layers

hi everybody,

                   the element that i considered is 8 noded 2d isoparametric element. composite consists of 5 layers out of which the top and bottom are piezo layers. please help me in writing matlab code for the problem specified .

finite element analyses of composites using piezo layers

hi everyone,

                   iam doing M-Tech project on finite element anlysis of composite plate using piezo layers. can anybody guide me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

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