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NewerLi's blog

element eroding VS fracture mechanics

Hi everyone,

    I am not a student majoring in the mechanics. But I have found that: the element eroding method is so powerful in numerical simulation (i.e. using ls-dyna) if we reduce the mesh size, then we can get a very perfect fracture process of material. So why we need fracutre mechanics?

traditional concrete model VS damage concrete model

In my opioion, the traditional concrete model is taking the smeared cracking concept to deal with the tensile cracking and using the elastoplastic method to deal with the compressive softening.

We can find that recently the CDM based concrete model become a hot research subject.

But what are the advantages of the CDM-based?

Thank you very much!

the damping in the umat of abaqus

Hi all, 

I find that the umat in Abaqus doesn,t support the stiffness damping. How can I introduce the stiffness damping into my subroutine?

Thank you very much!

About the half-step residual tolerance in Abaqus

    This days, I am working on the dynamics analysis using the Abaqus. the implicit dynamic integration method in abaqus is HHT-alpha. I found that a very strange parameter about the method is the half-step residual tolerance . I don't know the parameter is whether important or not and how to determine it.

thank you very much :)

Hi,How to apply seismic accelaration on the BC in abaqus.thank you!:}

I am confused about apply BC of a model in abaqus. because I find that if I apply the accelaration of earthquake on BC, I must remove the fixed constraints applied on BC in previous step in abaqus. so the model become a free body without any constraints.

 any expert can give me some detailed suggestions?thank you very much!^_^

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