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Deadline is approaction: 10 april - "Risø Int. Symposium: Composite materials for structural performance: towards higher limits"

Bent F. Sørensen's picture

The deadline for abstract submission for the 32, 10th April 2011, is approaching. The title of the 32nd Risø International Symposium on Materials Science is "Composite materials for structural performance: towards higher limits". The Symposium will be held from Monday 5th September to Friday 9th September 2011 at Risoe DTU - National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark. We think this is an exciting Symposium theme and we are proud to present a great list of key-note presentations:

Brian N. Cox (Teledyne Scientific Company, USA)
“Multiscale approaches for fracture and fatigue of fiber composites - where are the experimental and computational limits and challenges”

Kristofer Gamstedt (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SWE) and Bo Madsen (Risø DTU, DK)
“Cellulose fibres and their potential for reinforcement in composites”

Paul Hogg (The University of Manchester, UK)
“New concepts for developing damage tolerant composites”

Torben K. Jakobsen (LM Wind Power A/S, DK)
“Material Technology for large wind turbine rotor blades - limits and challenges”

Javier LLorca (Polytechnic University of Madrid & IMDEA Materials Institute, SP)
"Advances and limitations in computational simulations of composites"

Erik Lund (Aalborg University, DK)
“Numerical simulations of large scale wind turbine blades - limitations and challenges”

Puneeth Mahajan (Indian Institute of Technology, IN)
“Mechanical properties of carbon-carbon composites - experiments and simulations”

Rogier P.L. Nijssen (Knowledge Centre WMC, NL) and Povl Brøndsted (Risø DTU, DK)
“Fatigue in composites for wind turbine blades”

S. Mark Spearing (University of Southampton, UK)
“High resolution tomography studies of composites under load: The data rich mechanics opportunity”

Bent F. Sørensen (Risø DTU, DK)
“From idealised to actual cohesive laws”

Martin Wiedemann (DLR German Aerospace Center, DE)
“Composite structures - potential for improved performance and function integration”

Qingda Yang (University of Miami, USA)
“Numerical simulation of composites at various length scales where are the limits”

The 32nd International Risø Symposium on Materials Science is organised by the Materials Research Division, Risø DTU and the Danish Centre for Composite Structures and Materials for Wind Turbines (DCCSM).

For detailed information about the Symposium please look at the Symposium website:

where news will be regularly posted.

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