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Setting Simple Compression Test In VUMAT
Hi, i am trying to test a bulk metallc glass VUMAT with a simple compression test simulation. But since VUMAT is a Abaqus Explicit subroutine, that means I must set my compression simulation with setting of Abaqus Explicit right? So far I only have the experience in conducting compression test simualtion using ABAQUS Standard setting like static general step and surface-to-surface contact (standard). I don't know how to set up a simple compression test simulation with Abaqus Explicit settings, can anyone help me please?
Thanks and regards.
Hi is me again, this is my final year project and I am desperate to solve it. Otherwise I can't develop and test my VUMAT at all. Should I use quasi static condition to simulate the uniaxial compression test problem? Can anyone please give me some clue or example?
Thanks in advance...