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Almansi strain

Jerry Brown's picture

How is the Almansi-Eulerian strain used?

Is there a way to use it with some form of static equations of equilibrium to solve small strain, large rotation problems? I have sucessfully applied the Green-Lagrange strain. But, I can't find anything on how the Almansi-Eulerian strain is used to formulate and solve boundary value problems.

Bower in Applied Mechanics of Solids talks about its use in constitutive models for large rotations. But, doesn't give a clue how to use it in equations of equilibrium to solve real-world problem. 

Y C Fung talked about it in his book. I remeber he mentioned how to calculate it from displacement. 

Jerry Brown's picture

I understand how to calculate the Almansi strain. That's covered quite well in many texts on Solid Mechanics. My question is, "How is it used to make calculations?" No one seems to address that issue - Fung, Bower or Holzapfel.

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