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Postbuckling analysis and its application to stretchable electronics

YongAn Huang's picture

Dear all,

I would like to recommand a paper on "Postbuckling analysis and its application to stretchable electronics"。 Please find enclosed paper which is published on Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 60 (2012) 487–508.

Koiter (1945) pointed out that the postbuckling analysis needs to account for all terms up to the 4th power of displacements in the potential energy.  Existing postbuckling analyses, however, are accurate only to the 2nd power of displacements in the potential energy since they assume a linear displacement-curvature relation.  Here, a systematic method is established for accurate postbuckling analysis of beams.  This framework enables straightforward study of the complex buckling modes under arbitrary loading, such as lateral buckling of beams subject to shear (or twist) or diagonal stretching.  This systematic theory is adopted for the postbuckling of the structure of the stretchable electronics.

The paper developed a systematic theory for postbuckling of beams. I think it ought to be helpful for the researcher in this field.

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