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Power-law hereditariness of Hierarchical Fractal Bones

In this paper the authors introduce a hierarchic fractal model
to describe bone hereditariness. Indeed, experimental data of stress
relaxation or creep functions obtained by compressive/tensile tests have
been proved to be fit by power-law with real exponent 0 β
1. The rheological behavior of the material has therefore been
obtained, using the Boltzmann-Volterra superposition principle, in terms
of real order integrals and derivatives (fractional-order calculus). It
is shown that the power-laws describing creep/relaxation of bone tissue
may be obtained introducing a fractal description of bone cross-section
and the Hausdorff dimension of the fractal geometry is then related to
the exponent of the power-law.

 By  L. Deseri, M. Di Paola , P. Pollaci , M. Zingales

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