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October 1st Abstract Deadline for SEM Experimental and Applied Mechanics Annual Conference 2014

Meredith N. Silberstein's picture

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to the symposium of Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. This symposium is part of the 2014 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Hyatt Regency Greenville, Greenville, SC USA June 2-5, 2014).

We are soliciting papers involving constitutive, time (rate)-dependent behavior of all materials, including metals, biomaterials, polymeric materials, non-metallic materials and organic materials and modeling of the mechanics of processing/fabrication of all materials. The materials systems' time-dependent mechanical responses should be non-negligible in cases involving non-mechanical fields. In the past few years, we received more than 50 papers in each SEM annual conferences. For more information, please see attached flyer.

The deadline for a short abstract of the paper (not more than 200 words) is October 1st, 2013.

Please submit your abstract online at:

In addition, depending on the interest and topic areas, a special issue for the journal of Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials will be considered. Interested authors should contact Dr. Qi after submitting the abstract.

Thanks for your support in advance and we are looking forward to seeing you again at SEM in 2014.


H. Jerry Qi, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bonnie Antoun, Sandia National Laboratories
Richard Hall, Air Force Research Laboratory
Hongbing Lu, University of Texas-Dallas
Alex Arzoumanidis, Psylotech
Meredith Silberstein, Cornell University
Jevan Furmanski, ExxonMobil
Alireza Amirkhizi, University of California at San Diego
Joamin Gonzalez, University of Ljubljana

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