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What does "traction-free boundary condition" mean?

Dear all:

I am confused by the "traction free boundry condition". Does that mean the stress on the boundry is zero? But the stress on the boundry is definitly not zero. I don't know how to use this condition. I hope someone can help me. Thanks very much.





Best wishes, 


amar.roychowdhury's picture

Hi zhouyuer

Traction free boundary condition means that the the surface is free from external stress. We can mathematically express this as > t = σ.n = 0

where, t is the surface traction in the current configuration;  σ = Cauchy stress tensor; n = vector normal to the deformed surface.

If you prefer Lagrangian description > s = P.N = 0

where,  t is the surface traction in the reference configuration; P = 1st Piola Kirchoff stress tensor; N = vector normal to the refernce surface.

Therefore, if you divide the external force vector F by deformed surface area you will get t and by dividing F with undeformed surface area you will get s.

You may refer to the following online references:






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