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Help compile list of available micromechanics codes

Wenbin Yu's picture

Computer simulations will be used more and more for composites design and manufacturing. Before an engineer can simulate, there are at least two questions: what are the tools available and which one works for my problem. Thus, as a start, cdmHUB plan to compile a list of micromechanics codes for the community, including commercial codes, public domain codes, or research codes. To make the list as complete as possible, we need your help. If you know some micromechanics codes, please provide the name of the tool and contact information (url will be sufficient). We will also appreciate a brief describe of your experience with it if you have used some of these codes. This question is originally posted on You can provide feedback here or at


troy1987's picture

hello sir:

I use:

the Micromechanics 

Analysis Code with Generalized Method of Cells Version 4.0 (MAC/GMC 4.0)

MAC/GMC 4.0 is a computer code developed at NASA Glenn Research Center that analyzes the thermo-inelastic behavior of composite materials and laminates. The code is based on the micromechanics theory 

known as the generalized method of cells (GMC).

Wenbin Yu's picture

Thanks for your input. I have pasted your answer at for the original questioner to collect the info. 

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