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Equivalent Conwep pressure in abaqus
Fri, 2014-12-05 05:43 - hirad127
I modeled a sandwich panel under blast loading with conwep function in abaqus,
My problem is that I want to read the equivalent pressure due to amount of TNT I assembled in abaqus,
Do you have any idea how I can get it?
I know that there is an equation for calculating the pick pressure due to conwep loading but I want to read that in abaqus.
What is the appropriate field output or history output for pressure due to conwep loading?
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Description: Pressure loading due to an incident shock wave caused by an air explosion is calculated using the CONWEP model in Abaqus/Explicit. The new element field output variable IWCONWEP can now be requested on the element faces on which you apply this type of pressure load.