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Two postdoctoral scholar positions at the University of California, Irvine

Tim Rupert's picture

The Nanoscale Mechanics and Materials Laboratory (NMML) at the University of California, Irvine is currently accepting applications for two postdoctoral scholar positions.  One opening has a focus on experimental research, while the other is seeking a computational scientist.


Experimental Postdoc in Small-Scale Mechanical Testing

The research will focus on the mechanical behavior of novel nanostructured materials.  We are seeking an individual with a strong background in experimental mechanics and materials science.  A Ph.D. in Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or a related field is required.  Experience with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), focused ion beam (FIB) micromachining, small-scale mechanical testing (for example, nanoindentation and in situ experiments), and powder metallurgy is preferred.


Postdoc in Computational Materials Science

The research will focus on atomistic modeling of the production and performance of nanomaterials.  We are seeking an individual with a strong background in computational materials science or condensed matter physics.  A Ph.D. in Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or a related field is required.  Experience with atomistic modeling is required, while experience with the LAMMPS software package is preferred



Please send a CV and a list of at least 3 references to  The positions are one-year appointments with the possibility for annual renewal.


The NMML is led by Prof. Tim Rupert at the University of California, Irvine. 

The lab website is



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