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Summer school: Mechanics for the green economy

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Organizers are proud to announce the International Summer school


Mechanics for the green economy: Modeling and High Performance Computing in 

multi-scale and multi-physics processes.


to be held in 


Brescia and Trento, Italy, on 19-25 July 2017.


The school, organized in synergy with the international congress CERMODEL ( ), aims at investigating the challenges and opportunities of materials for the green economy, at promoting innovative visions in multi-scale modeling and multi-physics of materials, at exploring and implementing high-performance, massively parallel computing codes.


Registration feeshave been kept as small as possible. The 150 euros fee package includes 5 lunches (Wed 19 to Tue 25), lecture notes, and wi-fi internet access. They do not include accommodation and the social event on Saturday July 22 on the lake of Garda. Agreements have been reached with hosting facilities, which will provide excellent and convenient accommodation. 10 fellowships, which will grant free registration to the school and partial reimbursement of the travel costs, are available to non-Italian students. Participants who register to CERMODEL can register to the school with a 50 euros fee.


Further information in the attached flyer.


Contacts and registration:


A. Salvadori, Università di Brescia,

alberto dot salvadori at unibs dot it


A. Piccolroaz, Università di Trento,

andrea dot piccolroaz at unitn dot it


Lectures will be offered by:


Prof. W. Bangerth, Colorado State University, USA

3 lectures on developing massively parallel and efficient methods for the solution of solid mechanics problems with the finite element method. He is the founder and one of the current maintainers of the widely used open source software library deal.II (see 


Prof. D. Bigoni, Università di Trento, Italy

1 lecture on material modeling of ceramic materials for the green economy. Prof. Bigoni has been awarded an ERC advanced grant in 2013 by the European Research Council.


Prof. A. Piccolroaz, Università di Trento, Italy

1 lecture on material modeling of ceramic materials for the green economy. Prof. Piccolroaz coordinates a large EU project on Ceramics involving five universities and three industrial partners.


Prof. S. Mogilevskaya, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, USA

3 lectures on fundamentals of homogenization theory. Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering at the University of Minnesota, she is author of over 70 archival journal papers in the field.


Prof. A. Salvadori, University of Brescia, Italy - University of Notre Dame, USA

3 lectures on multi-scale and multi-physics energy storage processes and materials. He founded and coordinates the Multi-scale Mechanics and Multi-physics of Materials Lab at the University of Brescia.


Prof. A. Sanson, Institute of Science and technology for Ceramics (ISTEC), Italy


3 lectures on challenges and opportunities of ceramic-based materials for the green economy. She authored more than 60 international publications and coordinates the CNR referees of the projects of the Ministry of Economic Development in the frame of the Sustainable Development Funding scheme.

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