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4th International Conference on BioTribology (ICoBT2018): Invited speakers announced

We are pleased to announce the invited speakers for the 4th International Conference on BioTribology (ICoBT 2018), which will take place 26-29 September 2018 in Montreal, Canada.


The aim of the ICoBT meetings is to bring together researchers from across the scientific, clinical and engineering spectrum, to promote communication across the different disciplines and to provide a platform for the presentation of new work in one meeting focused solely on Biotribology.


Joshua JacobsRush University Medical Center, USA
Topic: Wear and corrosion of total joint replacement: Clinical ramifications


Thomas AngeliniUniversity of Florida, USA
Topic: Tribology of soft condensed matter


Michael BryantUniversity of Leeds, UK
Topic: Tribocorrosion


Jianshe ChenZhejiang Gongshang University, China
Topic: Tribological studies of food with particular relation to oral processing and sensation


Marc MasenImperial College London, UK
Topic: Preventing skin injury through tribology based design of medical devices


Claude RiekerZimmer Biomet, Switzerland
Topic: Roughness characterization of surfaces: Going beyond Ra


… more to follow


Topic: Use of metal in orthopedic hip articulations
Moderator: John MedleyUniversity of Waterloo, Canada
Pro: Alfons FischerUniversity of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Con: Hani HaiderUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center, USA


Visit the conference website for full details, to submit abstracts and to register:

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