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PhD Studentship in Computational Biomechanics @ Swansea University, United Kingdom

Adesola S. Ademiloye's picture

A fully PhD studentship in Computational Biomechanics is available at the Zienkiewicz Center for Computational Engineering (ZC2E), Swansea University, United Kingdom.

Project title: Multiscale meshfree modelling of the biorheological behaviour of healthy and diseased red blood cells

Closing date: 31 January 2019.

Proposed start date: April 2019.

Project supervisors: Dr Adesola S Ademiloye and Professor Perumal Nithiarasu

Eligibility: Candidates should hold a first class bachelor’s degree and/or a master’s degree in engineering (civil/mechanical/biomedical), applied mathematics, physics or related subject.

For more details about the project and application procedure, please visit: OR

For enquiries, please contact Dr Adesola S Ademiloye (


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