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How Air Force experts review our advanced mechanics research?

L. Roy Xu's picture

I always feel puzzled that the cost of the F35 increases at “a supersonic speed”. Now based on our proposal review process, I might find some partial answers.  In 2017 and 2018, we (including a full professor at a leading research university in the US) submitted two research proposals to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). Our proposal in 2017 had 7 technical concerns, but our proposal in 2018 didn’t improve at all, and had more than 30 technical concerns.. Our proposal title is “A Multi-Scale Approach of Combining Nano-indentation with Computational Mechanics to Predict Impact Behavior of Structural Composite Materials “. I attach the experts’ proposal review and our rebuttal in 2018 as a PDF file.  You will feel surprised that these reviewers (world-class technical experts) even didn’t know how to express an area (page 2 of the attached PDF file), and didn’t know the difference between the Young’s modulus and bulk modulus---undergraduate-level mistakes (page 2).

Welcome your objective comments. If you find my mistake, please tell me frankly. Thanks.  

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