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Fri, 2008-02-29 05:23 - baie
hi, i'm baie ..i need ABAQUS/CAE't anybody can give me the software..urgently. thankyou.
hi, i'm baie ..i need ABAQUS/CAE't anybody can give me the software..urgently. thankyou.
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bem crack
i need in programming bem with C++
Abaqus Buckling problem with contact
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to do bending simulation for my master thesis.
I have a simple square profile beam meshed with shell element.
Beam constrained at the ends and rigid cylender pressed at middle of beam.
In the test , reaction force dramatically decreased when it reached at peak value(due to buckling , Reaction force&displacement Plotted). However, in my analysis the behaviour of reaction force is not same. It reaches peak point then the reaction force has not changed (same value nearliy peak values).. I used riks method and static stabilized card but i have not had buckling decreases. I also controlled my Boundary condition. (I used plastic cards and contact card)
I need your advices
Thank you for your time and help,
Best wishes
Hi I am Yishu
I want to ask is the CAE of ABAQUS strong? Can it handle things like someone does by coding the input file?
Sincerely yours,
ABAQUS is a commercial
ABAQUS is a commercial software, see its homwpage for more info at
i need help to modelis a cylindr of concrete travrsed by a gaz
hi i need help to modelise with ABAQUSa cylindre of concrete traversed by a gaz flow and i caracterise the material with his permeability