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ASME AMD Committee on Fluid-Structure Interaction is Sponsoring 6 Mini-symposia at IMECE 2008

Tayfun E. Tezduyar's picture

In December 2006 the ASME Applied Mechanics Division (AMD) Executive Committee approved a new technical committee, Committee on Fluid-Structure Interaction (CFSI). The CFSI is sponsoring 6 mini-symposia within Track 12 "Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids" of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, in Boston, October 31 - November 6, 2008. These 6 mini-symposia will have a total of 17 sessions and are titled:

  • Topic 12-1: Advances in Computational Techniques for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interactions (4 sessions), Organizers: T. Tezduyar (Rice U) and Y. Matsumoto (U of Tokyo)
  • Topic 12-7: Complex Multi-Physics Flows in Environmental and Energy Sciences (3 sessions), Organizer: F. Xiao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • Topic 12-9: Computational Bio-fluid and Bio-structural Mechanics (2 sessions), Organizer: L. Zhang (RPI)
  • Topic 12-13: Mechanical Modeling of Interface Phenomena (2 sessions), Organizers: R. Sauer and P. Wriggers (Leibniz U Hannover) and T. Laursen (Duke U)
  • Topic 12-15: Advances in the Theory and Simulation of Flow through Porous Media (3 sessions). Organizers: R. Juanes and L. Cueto-Felgueroso (MIT) and S. Matringe (Stanford)
  • Topic 12-30: Reduced Order Models in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (3 sessions), Organizers: D. Gartling and R. Hogan (Sandia National Laboratory)

A large number of leading researchers in fluid mechanics, computational mechanics, and fluid-structure interaction will give presentations at these 6 mini-symposia. Many of the speakers will be from the United States, Japan and European Union, but we will also have speakers from China, South America and other parts of the world.

Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Chair, AMD Committee on Fluid-Structure Interaction

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