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Abaqus CAE

I intend to create a
composite model, containing a cylindrical fiber surrounded by a cube,
by Abaqus CAE v 6.7-1. I create
two separet parts, one for the cube and the other one for the cylinder. Then, I
cut the cube by the fiber; the third part (lets say the cut part) is created
automatically. Now, I need to mesh the parts and merge them. 

While meshing the cylinder,
I realized that I can't seed the surface area of the cylinder, only the
circumference of the top and down circles can be seeded.
, and after meshing the part the surface area of the cylinder is assigned elements automatically according ot the number of seeds on the circles.

 Would somebody let me know how I can control and seed the surface area of the cylinder?


Go to assembly or to part and make a straight edge along the cylinder (you should be able to select a node on each circle to create this line). Now you can give this edge a coarser or finer seed, although the elements in the mesh will have a rather bad form if you make the difference in the mesh to large. 

Seeding edges differently is also limited by the mesh control, but in this case it should work even for structured meshes. 

Thanks Mikael for the tip.


i'm trying toi create a simple composite material.

I draw 2 cubes and I merged them.I have the same charateristic  for both of them,the data of the fiber and the matrix and the orientation.I tried to create the composite material going on

composite layer manager--->create--->conventional shell (2 layers)

I filled all the field but i can't fill the region one...i donno why...may be thats not the right way to built it up a composite? 

Thanks a lot

KennyNg's picture

Hi Mikael,

I went to the assebly and couldn't find any feature to draw a line along the cylinder. What is the special feature that can do that? Thanks.


ftr_romeo's picture

Hi, i posted a request for the abaqus software some times ago. Unfortunately no-one has responded to my request. Please am still in need of the software and am gratefull to imechanica for this medium of communication.


Fono Tamo Romeo,
Dept of Mechanical Engineering,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

ndaphalapurkar's picture

F.T. Romeo: You may purchase your own license and ABAQUS product from above link of Simulia's website or request a trial version. I doubt whether others will offer you to use their own softwares.

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