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An opportunity for a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering (topic: Computational Modelling of Polymer Nanocomposites)

Lukasz Figiel's picture


There exists an opportunity for a prospective PhD student wishing to pursue her/his research degree in Mechanical Engineering (subject: Computational Modelling of Polymer Nanocomposites) at the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering and the Materials and Surface Science Institute ( of the University of Limerick ( A student (with or without a Master Degree) can apply for a post-graduate scholarship (~EUR1300/month + college fees) to the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (

Please see the enclosed PDF document for more information.

PDF icon LFigiel_IRCSET_Advert09.pdf28.73 KB


Lukasz Figiel's picture

Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
University of Limerick

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