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Call for papers: Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing (M4 Process)

Call for papers: Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing (M4 Process)

Call for papers: Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing (M4 Process)

A special issue of the International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT)

Important Dates:

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 June 2007

Notification of peer review to authors: 31 August 2007

Deadline for submitting revised manuscripts: 30 September 2007

The 21st century is said to be the century of the aging society. This society will require more advanced devices and systems to ensure comfort, safety and high quality of life. There is no doubt that devices will become more complicated and more compact. Therefore, development of micro/meso mechanical manufacturing (M4 process) technologies must be improved.

The aim of this special issue of the IJAT is to promote the M4 process technologies as a contribution to meeting the challenge of forthcoming society

For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.

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