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Relation Between Et(tangent Modules) & Es(secant Modules) in non linear elastic plastic theory?

asit_rathod1's picture

dear all

            is there any formaula or any theory by i can make a relation for the tangent and secent modules in the plastic region of the stress strain curve?....and also how to find Et and Es for the Alloy steel?.. if any body knows any thing than let me know soon..

warm regards

Asit Rathod


Dear Asit,
As far as I know, I have not come across any relation between the tangent (E_t) and secand modulus (E_s).

First of all let me try to explain you the difference between the E_t and E_s.

E_t can be obtained at any point on the stress-strain cuve, by simply drawing a tangent line at a particular point. The slope of curve ll give you tangent modulus. This can be used for both elastic as well as plastic part of the stress-strain curve.

Whereas, E_s can obtained by drawing a line from a point on stress-strain curve to the origin of the axix i.e. (0,0). So It can only be used in the linear or non-linear elastic region only. Secant modulus ll not make any sense in the plastic region.

This is the standart procedure for all material including alloy steel.



Dear Asit,



as a

greadow I am using both E_s <Elastic modulus>  and E_t <Tangent modulus> in inelastic applications.

I am not sure which area you are dealing with.

Could give us more detail explanations?



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