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How to evaluate crack growth in ABAQUS
Tue, 2009-08-25 10:00 - SIVAKUMAR M V N
How to evaluate crack growth in ABAQUS
How to evaluate crack growth in ABAQUS
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Procedure to evaluate crack growth in ABAQUS
Hi All
I am Using ABAQUS6.8 EF1 to solve some crack problems. I am using ABAQUS/STANDARD and ABAQUS/EXPLICIT for solving the above problem.
I want to plot a curve between CTOD and Crack growth (Δa) of a surface crack. I am able to evaluate the CTOD from 45 degrees intecept concept.But I don't know how to evaluate the Crack growth (Δa).
Can anybody help me in this regard. Is there any way to directly get it from ABAQUS or any post processing is needed...?
Please try to help in this regard.. Thanks in advance
same work i am doing...
Hello, The same problem I am also doing but using different code as ANSYS, can you please give me your .inp file of ABAQUS format, will try to solve your problem.
Thanks and Best Luck.