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PhD and Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Cardivascular Mechanobiology at University of Connecticut

The Tissue Mechanics Laboratory (TML) in the Biomedical Engineering Program and Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Connecticut is seeking one graduate student and one postdoctoral associate to pursue research in the fields of cardiovascular mechanics and mechanobiology.

The Tissue Mechanics Laboratory collaborates with cardiologists and cardiac surgeons to improve cardiovascular disease treatment through biomechanical analysis and design of interventional bioprosthesis. Current projects involve transcatheter valve intervention and aortic aneurysm/dissection. More information about TML can be found at

Ideal applicants should have a BS degree in biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, or related disciplines. Experience with soft tissue testing and software including Abaqus, STAR-CCM+, Mimics and MATLAB is preferred. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, their CV, and the names and contact information of three references electronically to Dr. Wei Sun,

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