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Krishna Garikipati's blog

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Postdoc position for a computational mechanician in the Computational Physics Group @ University of Michigan

The Computational Physics Group at the University of Michigan has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher in data-driven computational mechanics. This position can be available as early as July 1, 2022. Research in the Computational Physics Group is focused on developing data-driven, machine learning and some artificial intelligence approaches that interact with a range of computational methods for problems in materials physics, biophysics and in engineering more broadly.

Krishna Garikipati's picture

Postdoctoral position in data-driven multiscale modeling

The Computational Physics Group at the University of Michigan has an opening for a

postdoctoral researcher in data-driven multiscale modeling. This position can be available as

early as January 1, 2021. Research in the Computational Physics Group is focused on

developing data-driven, machine learning and some artificial intelligence approaches that

Krishna Garikipati's picture

Post-doctoral position in Computational Physics at University of Michigan

The Computational Physics Group, headed by Krishna Garikipati, at University of Michigan, is on the look out for a post-doctoral researcher. The typical candidate will have a background in mechanics, with expertise in computational methods. The ideal candidate also will have a strong training in mathematics. The initial appointment will be for one year. Please apply by email to krishna at umich dot edu with a copy of your CV, up to three papers, and names of up to three referees.

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