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Tianxiang's blog

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Internship Positions in Schlumberger in Cambridge MA

Please see below and also the attached document for more details. Feel free to distribute and forward to anyone who may be interested.

Candidates can apply by submitting an application (include resume, coursework transcripts, a presentation not exceeding 20 pages) to



Job Description and Responsibilities

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Intern Position Available in Schlumberger Cambridge MA

Dear iMechanica readers,

There is an intern position available in Schlumberger-Doll Reserach. Please see below. More details of the position are in the attachement. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think may be interested.

Candidates can apply by submitting an application (include resume, coursework transcripts, a presentation not exceeding 20 pages) to Meng Qu ( 






Tianxiang's picture

Material Science Internship Position in Schlumberger-Doll Research in Cambridge MA


Dear iMechanica readers,

We have an internship position openings in Schlumberger-Doll research in Cambridge Massachusetts, focusing on material science and mechanics of material. Please see the attached job description for more details. If you are interested, please send your applications (resume, coursework transcripts, a presentation not exceeding 20 pages) to the contact scientist Meng Qu ( Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who you think may be interested too.

Thank you.


Tianxiang's picture

Internship Positions in Schlumberger-Doll Research in Cambridge MA

Please note that a new version of the internship job description focusing on computation mechanics, with preferred skills defined, is now attached. The earlier job description (still attached as before), with focus on robotics, is still relavant. We have both positions available to fill for 2019.

We thank all students who have submitted their applications. They are currently under review. Both positions are still open as of now. - Tianxiang, Jan 14, 2019



Dear iMechanica readers,

Tianxiang's picture

Intern Opening in Schlumberger-Doll Research, Cambridge Massachusetts

Please also see attached. Thanks.


Job Title                                   Internship in Materials for O&G

Duration                                   2019, 4-6+ months

Tianxiang's picture

Job Opening for a Research Scientist Position in Schlumberger (Cambridge Massachusetts)

Dear iMechanica readers, 

There is a new opening for research scientist position in Schlumberger, located in Cambridge Massachusetts. The position is on the area of physics-based and data-driven simulation of mechanical/fluid/thermal processes. Please feel free to forward the attached job description to others who may be interested.





Job Title: Research Scientist in Intelligent Automation

Tianxiang's picture

Opening for CFD Internship in Schlumberger

Please also see the attached file.

Contact email:


Job Description and Responsibilities

Tianxiang's picture

Research Internship in Schlumberger-Doll Research

Contact Email:


Job Title                                Internship in Materials for O&G

Duration                                2018, 4-6+ months

International Applications   Yes, for 6+ months

Location                                 Schlumberger-Doll Research, Cambridge, MA, US

Tianxiang's picture

Looking for Research Intern in Schlumberger-Doll Research

Job title:  Research Internship (6 months) 

Location:  Schlumberger-Doll Research, Cambridge, MA, US

Job Description 

Tianxiang's picture

Research Associate Job Available at Schlumberger-Doll Research

Job Title:   Research Associate – (MMS-AR)


Location:   Schlumberger Doll Research, Cambridge, MA, US

Job Description

Tianxiang's picture

Research Internship in Schlumberger-Doll Research

Job title: research internship for 6 months

Location:   Schlumberger Doll Research, Cambridge, MA, US


Job Description

Schlumberger-Doll Research (SDR) center is looking for a six month research intern with modeling simulation and mechanical engineering background. The scientist will work with SDR scientists to develop a thermal-mechanical model for oil and gas applications. The ideal candidate will have knowledge of finite element modeling, solid mechanics and heat-transfer.   

Tianxiang's picture

Looking for postdoc position in solid mechanics/biophysics

Dear everyone,

My name is Tianxiang Su. I am a 4th year PhD student in ME department in UPenn, working with Dr. Prashant Purohit. I am graduating in August and would like to look for a postdoc position in solid mechanics or biophysics. I am keeping an eye on this forum for openings myself. But if anyone happens to know some other great opportunities, please kindly let me know. 

Here is my information:


Education Background:

(1) 07-now (4 yrs): PhD, ME@UPenn, GPA: 4.0

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