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Error Message

<strong>i'm modeling a three pavement layer with tandem loading in explicite mode. i dont know why aborted that analysing with this message:</strong>

 "The ratio of deformation speed to wave speed exceeds 1.0000 in at least one element. This usually indicates an error with the model definition. Additional diagnostic information may be found in the message file.

Abaqus/Explicit Analysis exited with an error - Please see the  status file for possible error messages if the file exists."


Pavement Model

Hi everybody...

I'm a M.S Student. For my thesis named as " Flexible Pavement Analysis with Abaqus" I need to Model a 3-Layers Pavement with abaqus. But I have some problems, like my outputs don't have balance with real output and ...

For this I searched a lot for a sample or example like my thesis subject to found my wrong assumptions, but I haven't found it yet. Do you know where can I find this samples???

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