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Changguo Xue's blog

question about binding reaction in surface of Microcantilever

  As shown in the figure of Microcantilever biosensor,antigen solution flow into the cell, the banding reaction take place between the antigen and antibody. Wu research on the diffusion of molecules for long detection time (Wu, Datar et al. 2001), Berger elucidated the kinetics of stress curve for self-assembly as a simple adsorption isotherm.(Berger, Delamarche et al. 1998). 

I am so tired

Maybe I make some mistakes or a  bug in the website .

whenpress "post comment "buttom ,My comments were lost many time ,

And there only leave "I am a student of USTC.I am research in Biosensor base Microcantilver ." And these word I have deleted  a few hours ago .

I am so tired ,because this is my first time to post comment and I have not finished it several times .

Thank Prof Suo ,who invited my join it ,the iMechanica was best scientific community that I have seen .

The 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM-2008)

ICHMM 2008 seeks dissemination of recent, leading edge research results as well as in-depth discussions of future directions in the challenging subject of heterogeneous material mechanics. Sessions in the Huangshan International Hotel will focus on recent original research developments, while invited panel discussins in the subsequent Huangshan Mountain retreat aim to stimulate future research directions.


J. Fan, Alfred University, USA and Chongqing University

The topics of interest are:

give you some introduction of my department

Department of Modern Mechanics

USTC's Department of Modern Mechanics, founded in 1958, first chaired by famous scientist, Prof. H.S. Tsien, is among the most prestigious in China.

The Department has 400 undergraduate students, 121 students doing Master degrees and 59 students studying for doctoral degrees. It is a major provider of high-caliber personnels to research institutes, universities, industry, commerce, management and government, both at home and abroad.

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