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It's heaven in here..! can anybody a chapter of a book online?

Hi everyone:

I just joined. found you by should advertise you know..! I do some modeling of tissue deofrmation and diffusion and stuff. I need to find a chapter of the book "Porous Media: Theory, Experiments and Numerical Application". does anybody have an electronic copy of it or know a free resource where I can find it?

Thank you very much, 

It's heaven in here..! can anybody a chapter of a book online?

Hi everyone:

I just joined. found you by should advertise you know..! I do some modeling of tissue deofrmation and diffusion and stuff. I need to find a chapter of the book "Porous Media: Theory, Experiments and Numerical Application". does anybody have an electronic copy of it or know a free resource where I can find it?

Thank you very much, 

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