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aerturk's blog

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Postdoctoral positions at Georgia Tech

Two Postdoctoral Fellow (or Research Engineer/Scientist) positions in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech available for immediate start (for minimum one year)

Ideal candidates should have strong background and publication record in one or more of the following:

- Structural dynamics/vibration, elastic/acoustic waves, metamaterials/phononics

aerturk's picture

GRA (PhD student) positions on two NSF projects at Georgia Tech

Greetings - I am seeking two self-motivated PhD students for two separate NSF projects:

Project 1 is on nonlinear nonconservative dynamics of fiber-based flexible piezoelectric composites for complex 3D deformations (involves theory and experiments)

keywords: vibration, piezoelectricity, nonlinear, dissipation, plates, actuation

(a co-PI and another student will be on the fluid dynamics side of the multiphysics problem, involves strong collaboration)

aerturk's picture

Graduate Research Assistant (PhD student) position in ME @ Georgia Tech

We are seeking a motivated PhD student (only a student currently in the US for an immediate start) to work as a Graduate Research Assistant in our NSF project titled "Metamaterial-Enhanced Electroelastoacoustic Energy Harvesting for Sensor Systems." This computational and experimental project will investigate electroelastoacoustically coupled linear and nonlinear metamaterial-inspired piezoelectric energy harvesting concepts for self-powered sensor systems.

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