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jingguo2011's blog

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Postdoc position available

The Department of Applied Mathematics at Illinois Institute of Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in computational mathematics.   The appointment is for one year with the possibility of renewal for an additional year.  Priority is given to applicants with research expertise and interest in computational mechanics, numerical methods and applications in materials, biology and data science.

jingguo2011's picture

Reminder: 2018 Midwest Mechanics Workshop registration

Dear Colleagues,

This is a gentle reminder that the 2018 Midwest Mechanics Workshop will take place at IIT, Chicago on Thursday, August 9.  The deadline for registration is July 26, so we will have time to figure out the logistics. Note that registration is free for this one-day workshop. Please see:

jingguo2011's picture

Midwest Mechanics Workshop -2018

Registration is now open for this year's midwest mechanics This annual workshop is an effort that was started 4 years ago to bring together mechanics researchers from the Midwestern region and has a distinctly educational character to it.

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