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Marino Arroyo's blog

Marino Arroyo's picture

Several PhD and Postdoctoral positions in theoretical and computational modeling of cells, tissues and bio-inspired soft materials.

The group in “Mechanics of soft and living interfaces” at UPC in Barcelona (also affiliated to IBEC and CIMNE) lead by Prof. Marino Arroyo seeks for candidates with a background in theoretical/computational mechanics, scientific computing, applied mathematics or biophysics to work in an interdisciplinary and collabor

Marino Arroyo's picture

Postdoc in theory and simulation of active matter, cell and tissue mechanobiology in Barcelona

The group on “Mechanics of soft and living interfaces” ( lead by Marino Arroyo ( is looking for a highly motivated and creative postdoctoral researcher to study the mechanical organization of epithelial cells and tissues, and how this understanding can lead to a precise control of tissue structure, mechanical properties, and dynamics.

Marino Arroyo's picture

PhD opening in theoretical modeling and computer simulation of cell and tissue mechanobiology

Mechanics fundamentally governs the way cells and tissues adopt their functional shapes, the way they resist stresses, and the way they move, individually or collectively. In turn, mechanical forces critically influence cell behavior. Over the last decade, the field of mechanobiology has emerged, emphasizing the tight interplay between mechanics and biological function.

Marino Arroyo's picture

PhD positions on the mechanics of living epithelial materials in Barcelona

We are looking for highly motivated and creative PhD researchers to study the mechanical organization of epithelial cells and tissues through theory, computations and tight interaction with experimental collaborators, and to use this understanding to a precisely control tissue structure, mechanical properties, and dynamics. The ultimate goal is to predict the behavior of living matter, manipulate it, and use it to engineer new bio-inspired technologies. If selected, you will work in a highly interdisciplinary environment, in an expanding group headed by Prof.

Marino Arroyo's picture

PhD position on the mechanics of living epithelial materials in Barcelona

We are seeking applications for a PhD position at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Spain. The applicant will develop mathematical models, perform numerical simulations, and closely interact with experimental collaborators to quantitatively understand various aspects of single cells and epithelial tissues, pertinent to mechanobiology and to the mechanics of living materials.

Marino Arroyo's picture

Fracking in living tissues caused by poroelasticity

"Hydraulic fracture during epithelial stretching"

I hope some of you may find this work interesting:


Marino Arroyo's picture

PhD positions at the UPC-BarcelonaTech in Computational Mechanics/Numerical Analysis

Six PhD positions are available at the Laboratory of Computational Methods and Numerical Analysis ( of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech ( in Spain.

The four-year PhD fellowships cover the full tuition, a monthly stipend, and health insurance.

Details about the different positions can be found at

Marino Arroyo's picture

Assistant professor positions in Computational Mechanics in Barcelona

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, ) opens tenure-track assistant professor positions in Computational Mechanics. Please follow this link for more information.

Marino Arroyo's picture

Postdoc positions in Barcelona: modeling and simulation in biophysics

We have several postdoctoral positions open, funded by an European Research Council Starting Grant. We look for candidates with a PhD in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, or
Applied/Computational Mathematics. In addition to excellent communication skills, initiative and an inclination for inter-disciplinary research, experience or interest in preferably more than two of the following areas is required:

  1. Computer simulations (continuum and/or atomistic methods), programming

Marino Arroyo's picture

Multiwalled carbon nanotubes: the thicker, the softer

I. Arias and M. Arroyo, Size-Dependent Nonlinear Elastic Scaling of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 085503 (2008).

Marino Arroyo's picture


Two four-year doctoral fellowships at the LaCàN Research group (, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Barcelona, Spain).

These two fellowships, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education ("beca FPI"), coverfull tuition, a monthly stipend and provide funds for short international research stays. The starting date is expected in the Summer-Fall 2008.

Marino Arroyo's picture

Rippling and a phase-transforming mesoscopic model for multiwalled carbon nanotubes

Dear colleagues, 

I would like to share the following paper, in press in the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. It can be found at the publisher's web at

 A preprint is also attached below.


Marino Arroyo's picture

Maximum-Entropy approximants Matlab routines

Dear iMechanica colleagues,

I would like to announce that Matlab routines implementing the maximum-entropy approximation schemes presented in

Marino Arroyo and Michael Ortiz, “Local maximum-entropy approximation schemes: a seamless bridge between finite elements and meshfree methods”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65:2167–2202 (2006).

can be downloaded from

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