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Junlan_Wang's blog

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Faculty opening at University of Washington: Composites & Materials

The Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Washington, Seattle, has a tenure track Assistant Professor opening in Composites and Materials.  More details of the position can be found at the link below. Deadline of application is January 31, 2019, but screening will start right away. 

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2015 ASME Nadai Medal, Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award, MD Orr Early Career Award, MD Orr “JEMT” Best Paper Award to be presented at 2015 IMECE in Houston, TX

It gives me great pleasure to announce the following ASME Society and Materials Division Awards which will be presented at the 2015 ASME IMECE in Houston, TX:

Prof. Huajian Gao of Brown University has won the 2015 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nadai Medal.

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NSF Travel Award Available for McMat2015

Applications are being accepted from graduate students, postdocs and community college mechanics and materials instructors associated with US institutions to attend the upcoming McMat2015 conference (June 29-July 1, Seattle). The support is made possible by the NSF CMMI Mechanics of Materials program and will be at the level of $500 per applicant. To apply, please go to

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McMat2015 (June 29-July 1, Seattle, USA): Abstract Submission Deadline Approaching

This is a quick reminder that abstract submission deadline of McMat2015 is approaching. Please submit your abstract by Feb. 23, 2015 at


Profs. Satya Atluri from UC Irvine, Nancy Sottos from UIUC, and Zhigang Suo from Harvard are confirmed Plenary Speakers for McMat2015. One additional plenary speaker from industry will be announced soon.

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